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This is really interrupting my workflow because I have to open the web app, wait for it load, search for the card, edit, paste, save. 

It wouldn’t be quite so bad if there was a way to open the card in the web app directly from the card, but all these extra clicks are killing me. 😅 

Why can’t I just paste the screenshot in the card I’m creating? 



Hi Siobhan!

Sorry for any frustration there! 

One reason this may be occurring is if your Chrome settings are blocking third-party cookies. Can you confirm if this is the case? (You can check under chrome://settings/cookies.)

If so, if you update the settings to "block third-party cookies in incognito mode" this should resolve the issue. If you are still running into trouble or have any additional questions after giving that a shot, feel free to shoot us a support ticket via this link.  We can certainly dig-in further with you. 

Hey Reba! 

I don’t have the option for "block third-party cookies in incognito mode". 

Even when I add Intercom to the list and refresh, I still can’t paste the images. 

I”ll create a ticket. 



