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Hi folks 👋

Looking to get some insight into how people generate Guru content when the same workflow can be performed through multiple platforms (i.e. mobile apps vs the website). Wondering if people generate two cards (one for each workflow) or anchor the card on the workflow and then present the two ways of doing it (i.e. on the mobile app at the top of the card and then the website workflow underneath) on the same card. 

In my mind it’s six of twelve and half dozen of the other but I am leaning toward the second option as it’d increase discoverability.

Thanks, folks!

Hey @Tyler ! Interesting question, thank you for asking this. Agreed it could go both ways, but I’m interested to know if your end user always would need to know both, or if they’d likely use one more frequently than the other.


If you keep it in one Card, you could see analytics about which information they’d be scrolling to, vs. if you keep it in two Cards and tag / organize accordingly, you could get analytics on which one your team uses more often. 


If you already know they would use web more than mobile, again, might be worth not always bogging them down with the mobile information if it’s less frequently used. 


Just some thoughts!
