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Hello - How do I verify a card but not change the future verifier? 

For example in this attached screen shot - I am in this group called “guru- guru system admin” but I con’t verify this card without changing the verifier to myself as an individual.

I am missing something here and I am not sure what it is. 


Hey Lindsay, thanks for asking this question! The verifying Group should not update when you verify the Card. The Card will just list that you were the last one from that Group to verify it. The next time the Card becomes unverified, the Group will continue to be notified (and someone else could verify it next time). I hope that explanation is helpful! Happy to chat if you have any additional questions for me. 

@Caroline Krueger I am still confused with the verification process. In that screen shot I shared, the card doesn’t let me verify it. My only option is to “request verification”. How do I make it green without changing the group verifier?

I have another similar question...I fixed a typo on a card that I don’t own but now the card is unverified. Is there a way that I can verify the card but not change the individual owner? It seems like a waste of energy to have to ping the owner to verify the card and her energy to go through that process just for simple change by an admin.

Thanks for your help. 


Hey Lindsay! Apologies, I don’t see right now that you are part of the Group “Guru-Guru-Systems Admins” which may be why you are seeing what you’re seeing. 

If I’m wrong here, let me know! I’d be happy to pull this into email and troubleshoot further. 

To answer your other question, if you edit a Card that another person verifies, they will be notified to review it. The reason being, we want to give that individual or Group the ownership of the Card without the risk of someone potentially bypassing it (though I totally understand your situation in this case). 

In this case I’d recommend giving that person a heads up via a comment that you just tweaked something small, so they can reverify. 

I hope that’s helpful! Happy to chat if you have more questions for me. 


