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How can I make sure my Guru cards are accessible?

  • 13 October 2021
  • 4 replies

Hi there! My team and I enjoy using Guru, and as I was formatting a card, changing the color of my text, I wondered, “Hm, is this color providing enough contrast for my readers? Is my content going to be accessible?”

I searched “accessibility” in the help center, and I didn’t find any relevant articles. I was a little surprised. I haven’t been a big user of the new community yet, but I do see accessibility is on the roadmap. Not a lot of content is tagged “accessibility” for searching, however.

Will Guru be focusing on making card content accessible? Will there be documentation to help card authors ensure their content is accessible? Will the authoring experience be accessible as well? Thank you!

4 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +3

Hey @Crystal Horn ! These are awesome, thoughtful questions, and I’m so glad you dropped it in the community. I’ll tackle your Qs then share some content and formatting recommendations to create more accessible Cards.


Will Guru be focusing on making card content accessible? Yes! We believe that the knowledge you need to do your job should find you. This applies to users of all cognitive and physical abilities, and we strive to make Guru as accessible as possible to everyone. 


The font we use in our Guru application is accessible. We use Proxima Nova which is one of the better fonts for accessibility due to it having a lower stroke contrast. Our Design Team has been working to make sure the color palette is accessible as well. Many of those updates have been rolled out to the app and the extension. 


We're in the process of completing an ADA Audit that will give us a better picture of areas we need to address. The aim is to bring the application up to Level AA compliance as set by WCAG 2.1 Success Criteria.


Will there be documentation to help card authors ensure their content is accessible?

Yes, and thank you to you for raising this! I spun up some tips and resources shared by our internal accessibility expert Homer Gaines and UX Design team here


Will the authoring experience be accessible as well?

Yes! The authoring pod of our Design Team is focused on updating our editing features to achieve Level AA compliance, as mentioned above. 

Userlevel 2

Hello there! Does Guru have an update on the ADA Audit or roadmap to level AA compliance? We know that revised regulations will be issued by the DOJ sometime in 2023, but are already working internally to ensure that our web platforms meet the minimum qualifications.

Here is an announcement from the spring:




Hi @Abbey Florence ,
It’s great to see you being proactive with the new regulations coming down the pike! We are keeping an eye on the WCAG 2.2 updates as well. Our most recent accessibility audit was completed this past March and is completed every 6 months. Our audits are conducted using both automated and manual methods and verified against the WCAG 2.1 Level AA Success Criteria. In some cases, we verify against Level AAA. It is our goal to maintain Level AA when the WCAG 2.2 is published sometime in 2023.

Hello there! Does Guru have an update on the ADA Audit or roadmap to level AA compliance? We know that revised regulations will be issued by the DOJ sometime in 2023, but are already working internally to ensure that our web platforms meet the minimum qualifications.

Here is an announcement from the spring:




We recently were audited to ensure that our content was compliant and we’ve hit a roadblock:

Ideally, we wouldn’t have to create the same card in multiple languages. Because there is no translation option, we have to duplicate our English cards in French. However, Guru isn’t quite coded right, and any card created in a different language is still flagged as English. This means that it is not WCAG 2.1 compliant. This is preventing us from moving forward with releasing public cards to our bilingual clients. A user should be able to flag a whole card or content with a specific language.
