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Hi! I noticed in this blog post an awesome brand story Card that nicely displays Guru's hex color codes. Is that a markdown element? Curious if Guru can share how that was made? Thanks

How Guru Uses Brand Guidelines to Empower our Revenue Team

Hey @kfretz! I think you're referring to this card for others' reference. Each color square is an individual image inserted in the card actually, and the hex codes were just added in plain text to the right of each color image.
ahh, so simple. it duped me into thinking it was fancier haha. thanks @chrisanderson
@mhouston this Template: Brand Colors Link above that Chris sent me isn't loading today either 😞
Hmm weird, what are you seeing @kfretz?
Strange, sorry it's not loading for you! And to confirm, if you force refresh, it still just loads without ever displaying the card?
Hey @kfretz - this was a bug with Public cards that the engineering team fixed. If your cards are still not loading, you may have to hard refresh the browser (cmd + shift + r), or quit the browser completely, and reopen it.
Got it - thanks!
