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Need some ideas for how to best organize your People-Ops Collections in Guru?


We've got you covered! In our recent Deep Dive on Guru for different teams, we be split into breakout rooms to discuss specifics.


Sharing Company Knowledge

Gain inspiration from Guru’s own Internal Comms specialist Guru Emma Healy, dig into the resources, and drop your questions and examples below. 



Emma covered her role at Guru and how she:

  • Creates internal communications “rituals” so employees can better navigate the information they need to do their jobs
  • Sources information for Company-Wide Newsletter
  • Uses knowledge alerts to keep teams informed 
  • Creates Cards for company-wide events


Get a closer look at the company-wide collection structure we have at Guru: 


Get a closer look at the Guru Knews Template: 


Get more inspiration:


Are you a People Ops team member looking to use Guru for new hires? Check out these recent conversations with Guru Knowledge Leaders!

How does your People Ops team use Guru? Keep the conversation going below! 


Share your feedback

If you have feedback on the Deep Dive experience and content, please share your feedback in this 5 min Deep Dive Survey. A winner is chosen every month to get a $25 Amazon Gift Card! 

Thanks so much to everyone who joined our breakout room yesterday, and a shoutout to Emma for being our featured Internal Comms expert! Here were my takeaways, and feel free to add your questions, tips, and examples (screenshots encouraged) below as well!

  • Create rituals for sharing internal knowledge: To prevent interrupting deep focus and to combat information overload, Emma is intentional about when and how Guru's asynchronous company newsletter is communicated. A "Knewsletter", as we call it internally, is a Guru Card published bi-weekly on Wednesdays, a day our company typically reserves for focus time, and in the afternoon, to accommodate our West Coast team. A Knowledge Alert is sent to ensure the entire company is notified of (and doesn’t forget about) its availability. Between Card usage analytics and Reader analytics, Emma is able to track newsletter engagement.
  • Build an inclusive submission process: When it comes to sourcing newsletter content, anyone in the company can participate. Internal Comms has a Card outlining a Slack reactji workflow. The reactji automates the pushing of Slack messages in other channels into a dedicated Slack channel for Emma to source company updates from. Our colleagues react with a specific emoji when we share something within our team that we feel should be communicated more broadly internally.
  • Experiment with gamification to boost engagement: Internal Comms has recently gamified newsletter engagement, by introducing a scavenger hunt-like quiz about that week’s information at the bottom of each newsletter. Colleagues submit answers as Card comments and Emma uses Wheel of Names to select a winner to receive a gift card.
  • Use Cards to publish event details: When it came to communicating important information about our virtual programming and in-person gathering as part of Guru's hybrid company kickoff this year, Emma's team created Guru Cards covering timelines (save-the-dates), logistics, and the retro held post-event.
  • Keep knowledge private before sharing more widely: When working together to plan company events, Emma and her team use Collection permissions to publish Cards in a Collection private to the Internal Comms team. When the time comes to move those Cards over to the more widely accessible Company Knowledge Collection, she can do so using Card Manager.

Let’s keep the discussion going -- add your questions, tips and ideas below!
