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When it comes to verification, does anyone have tips for how to motivate your team to keep their content updated? I think I read someone once did a pizza party?
@jess392 @allie.sokoloff @siobhan @caroline.svenson Any thoughts?
@zev My wrath isn't motivating enough to keep it current? 😂 Kidding. I've done "Audit Crews", like a park cleanup project, but for Guru collections.
Funnn, any incentive?
I actually tie it back to their performance reviews. I use it as something to add to their "brag book" and loop in their managers to let them know what an amazing job they do. I put it in an email so that it can be referenced.
Not as fun as prizes, but it works!
Not much luck other than bugging people - but we needed to do a big Salesforce cleanup project and told the sales team they had to stay late and ordered in food/drinks until it was complete. Could do something remotely with sending everyone a bottle of wine/drink or food and ask them to dedicate a few hours one week to complete? (or send wine at completion as a "thank you") Just an idea since we can't do a group party together.
You can make it a performance goal. Edit: I just saw Katie said something like that.
I think a daily-updated dashboard for Trust Rate of a Collection would help, we are thinking on that, as a visual reminder of the cards you are responsible for
We are hoping to leverage Looker & the Guru API to show correlation between Trust Score and card usage and ticket-related metrics like quality/customer wait time/escalations to channels/time to resolution, etc. which I'm hoping provides more incentive than just "please do this because it will make me happy, and also you should be doing it". 😅
Haven't been in a position to actually DO it yet but...

A raffle where only people 100% updated are entered. Then choose a prize that is most enticing for your unique group of folks.
What a clever idea @aston!
@aberman Interesting!
Love all of these replies, thanks for sharing y'all! :slightlysmilingface:

are there any other updates on the above on how to address verification rates improvement? Often ppl have given me :thumbsdown_tone3: when I send them verification reminders through guru as it is seen as ‘noise’, so lately I’ve just emailed ppl with the link so far so good, but there has to be better and efficient way :scream:

These are all great ideas! I love the idea of a pizza party :pizza: . I think it’s helpful to remind your team that when content is kept up-to-date and verified, no one has to worry about if the information they are sharing or reading is inaccurate. @Desiree Santos You could also suggest that users verify their Cards in bulk via the Card Manager. This allows users to verify in one swoop and could be helpful for folks who don’t want to spend too much time verifying. 
