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Hey everyone, happy Tuesday! How do you all structure Group permissions in Guru? Let’s see some examples so folks who are feeling stuck can get some inspiration! 


Here is a strong example of granting permission to a specific department’s Collection:


This is a great permission structure because:

  1. The Collection Owner group is the department to whom the Collection belongs (Account Management)

  2. Other groups who may have valuable information to share with Account Management, like Customer Experience and the Sales team, have been given Author access

  3. ‘All Members’ has been given Read-Only access so the whole org. can see this department’s work.

Here is another example that utilizes small “expert groups” for a more restrictive authorship structure:


Using expert groups that consist of a small # of subject matter experts can be useful for permissioning a Collection when:

  1. You only want SMEs to be able to document content, create Card Templates, and permission out folders.

  2. You want to make it simple for end users to @ mention SMEs in Card Comments or Ask an Expert

  3. You want to allow other departments to document relevant knowledge in your department’s Collection without opening the door to that entire other department

  4. You want to distribute verification responsibilities to ensure no single person is responsible for maintaining more Cards than they’re able to


Lastly, here’s a good use of folder permissions by a Security team with global offices:


The folders with people icons in front of the folder icon means the folder has been shared with a specific Group.


Taking a closer look at the “Japan Security Policies” folder we can see this Collection is restricted to only the “Legal and Security” Group and this folder has been permissioned out to just the “Japan Team” Group.


Folder permissioning will be useful for when you want to:

  1. Grant access to a specific folder to specific Groups without giving that Group access to the entire Collection

  2. Restrict folders to specific departments

  3. Restrict folders to specific global teams


How is your team using folder permissions?

If you’re getting started with folder permissions, here are some great resources to check out: 


Thank you for sharing these different examples Matt!
