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❄ Happy Holidays y'all! Quick question - how does your team use Guru to share information on office closures? Do you list all "office closed" dates in a card? Do you use a shared calendar? We're looking into how we can better communicate the days we're out, and who needs to be on standby, etc. Any thoughts?
Great question! We currently have:

• A company calendar via Google Calendar, and a card that explains how to access it

A holiday card

• A card that explains how Support team adjusts expectations for customers via Intercom when Guru if off for holidays, and a Support schedule card
Love it! Solid ideas that I will pass on.
Not sure if anyone else is still online for the week, but please feel free to share!
We do the same:

• Global Google calendar

• Guru card for each office region, listing closure dates

Our entire office is "closed" from the 24th - the new year, but our CE team is still online and helping customers, so we also have a Guru card outlining expectations for those agents while they are on shift - we basically treat it as if it's a weekend shift, where everyone will be answering a variety of tickets vs. our regular specialization of ticket topics by sub-team within CE - so link out to helpful resources like how to page an on-call manager and to remind ppl to keep an eye out for Knowledge Triggers to guide them on unfamiliar ticket topics, for example.
Interesting @aberman, thanks for sharing!
