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If, theoretically, I were to have accidentally clicked "discard draft" rather than "back to editor," is there a chance the card in progress is temporarily saved somewhere? :seenoevil:
Oh no, I feel your pain! I had that happen to me the other week and was just like, HOW and WHY did my brain decide that clicking "Discard" was the correct option? 😬
That's exactly where I am. 😳 I had just thought to myself, "Well, I don't want 'discard draft,'" AND I DID IT ANYWAY. :woman-facepalming:
Fingers crosses it wasn't something super long and tedious! :crossed_fingers: Also following this thread to see if there is in fact a way to restore those cards 😄

@Kaitlin Warren discard draft deletes the card completely, just confirmed. Sorry you lost your card draft! If you just x out or your browser ever crashes, you can always recover your draft of course.

I feel you @kaitlin, I feel you.
@chrisanderson That's what I thought, but I wanted to be sure I wasn't just missing it somewhere. Thanks for confirming! 👍

@shona It's bound to happen to us all at some point, but it does stink. :seenoevil: Hopefully it never happens to either of us again. :crossed_fingers:
