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Seeing Guru implement tools to help authors and admins around content reuse would be awesome.

As an author or admin, I want to equicky update a wide range of content with minimal effort. 

For example, of our product name changes, I want to update it in one place and have it cascade throughout the platform.

Things like:

Variables - You can reuse variables when you use the same text-based content in multiple places that may change over time (like field names, contact numbers, addresses, disclaimers, etc.)

Snippets - A predefined set of content blocks the content manager or author uses as reusable content. The Snippet's content can vary from simple text or phrases to lengthy paragraphs, tables, images, and more. (Similar to a synced ‘block’ or an excerpt?)

Find & Replace - Search terms and replace across all content (built into the UI, not by using an API -connected spreadsheet)



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