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Looking to understand how other teams are doing this……

Our company just released a new feature, this resulted in the following:

  1. Product Team created a “product overview” Card in the product collection
  2. Sales Engineering team created a ‘sales faq’ card in the Sales Collection
  3. Customer care team created a card for their collection…

Now we have 3 assets that exist, which serve various teams & use cases. 

Problem - there are multiple cards to update if the core card has a significant change. We are weighing whether we want to continue creating separate cards for separate teams, or end up with a single, large scale card which serves all audiences. This could be mitigated by having a very specific Table of Contents built out, however….the world where a sales rep could just use the chrome extension to get to their sales specific card is very enticing….

Curious to get some feedback from the community!

Hi @David MacVicar - I’m Jake from Guru’s product team. I saw your post and was hoping to dig in a bit on the topic. Our most upvoted feature request is to allow the same Card to live in multiple Collections. The first half of your post seems to point to that, but then you say:

….the world where a sales rep could just use the chrome extension to get to their sales specific card is very enticing….

Can you explain a bit more about what you mean here? And how you might see this working?


Hypothetically, if you could create one card that could live in multiple Collections, how would you expect permissions to work? Should anyone with author access in any of those Collections be able to edit the Card? Would you need any additional restrictions?

Thanks Jake,

I think having a card living in multiple collections is absolutely necessary. However, in my original post - that would not be the solution.

What I am looking for is the ability to excerpt content (similar to Confluence?). For example, our sales engineers created a card specifically for the sales team on selling a specific feature. However, WITHIN that card, there is content that was copy/pasted from an original product card. Now we have 2 places to update content if there are changes. I know you can iFrame a card within a card, but the frame cannot be customized to only show a specific section/area.

So being able to excerpt specific sections into other cards would be huge - it would give us the ability to create any other cards for any other team (unique to their use case) but still have a single source truth for important sections/bits that would update through the except like functionality.

I hope this makes sense!

Gotcha! So a “smart block” of sorts. This is definitely something we’ve heard asked for before. I’ll make sure the team that works on the editor has eyes on this request (though I can make no promises what they’ll do with the info).


As for Cards that can live in multiple Collections, can you describe the specific use case you’d be looking to solve here; And if you’ve given any thought to how you’d expect it to work, by all mean please share.


This is definitely a feature we’re considering, so I’m doing my best to begin collecting some early feedback.


Yeah, we have just run into a few situations where a card that impacts multiple teams would benefit from living in a few places - there is nuance in the group permissions/collection access - and if the card could live in multiple collections, it would work….

Obviously there is much more to it than this… given how card manager works, etc...that is a bit above my head, but the feature would be very welcomed by our organization!

With this being marked as ‘accepted’ - will this be 100% on the roadmap?

Thanks Jake! 

It’s a problem we’re looking to solve, but we’ve yet to officially add it to our roadmap. My team is looking to identify a few potential initiatives we can take in 2H of this year, which is why I’m beginning to engage with the community around topics with high interest.


Thanks for all of your feedback!

I would second that something like a notion synced block feature might be useful. We have some code that applies to multiple tasks/cards and it would be nice to be able to have it live on multiple cards but updated in only one place. Thanks!

I would second that something like a notion synced block feature might be useful. We have some code that applies to multiple tasks/cards and it would be nice to be able to have it live on multiple cards but updated in only one place. Thanks!

Great use case!

Hi @Jake Sauer! The addition of a “smart block” would be immensely helpful for our team. Any updates on this by chance?  
