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Our company has scaled very quickly, and we utilize a Company Knowledge collection to house all cross-functional content/company-facing content.

The methodology is now outdated, and I’m looking to source ideas for how other teams/organizations that use a similar strategy have decided to organize their information.

I’m thinking of doing a cleanup of the collection, and have cards move to the respective collections that they are linked to (we organize collections by department, i.e. Zoom tips would live in our Technology Department collection).

Then, we would create directories using Guru card links that would live in the actual Company Knowledge collection itself. 

  • Anything that teams determine are cross-functional and/or are company-facing, they can create the card within the Company Knowledge collection.

It’s very difficult because this is not a black and white process, there are so many contingencies. I would love some help and crowdsource ideas from the community!

Hi @Alyssa Huat ! Thanks for sharing more about your team’s use case. I’d be curious to hear more from some folks who I know have posted about their Collection organization in the past -@Katie Vermilyea @kelly @Michelle Williams @Kaitlin Warren , do you have any thoughts? 😁I’m thinking that this post may also have some insight. 

Internally at Guru, we organize our information by having a Collection that represents each team (ie, a Technical Support Collection, Product Collection, Marketing Collection etc). In cases where there is cross-functional information, we rely on our permissions structure to ensure that folks have access to the content they need in other Collections outside of their team and Guru Card to Card linking


Hi @Alyssa Huat ! There will always be exceptions but create a guideline can be helpful! The post that @Devon O'Dwyer linked is one way to help share what is in a collection/how that collection is organized. Our collections are also separated by Departments and have a few collections that are viewable by all employees. We have a “Carta Platform Knowledge” collection that more groups have edit access to than most collections and while the trust score isn't the best, it’s helpful to have the collab information.

Also like Devon, we use Board permissions a lot to share content that is part of a collection that a team may need access to. I’m still hoping for the ability to share cards between Collections, which will help us resolve many issues as well. 

One thing that has helped a lot is not allowing every user to be an author. While anyone can be an author, they must complete a certificate to review how Guru is organized at Carta and responsibilities of being an author/verifier, then are able to create cards in the collections they have access to - having that organization foundation has helped. 

Hey, @Alyssa Huat! Our Guru organization is a bit different than @Michelle Williams’ or @Devon O'Dwyer’s. We don’t have dedicated teams, instead, everyone does everything, so we have our Collections organized by buckets of information. For example, we have a Charging Collection and a Shipping Collection; a Tools and Software Collection and a Flows and Processes Collection, etc. 


I will say, though, that as we’re scaling and our company is adding products, we’re finding this may not be the optimal organization for us, so we’re looking into the prospect of organizing our Guru by product rather than information bucket. 


Hope that helps! ❤️ 

Hi all! @Devon O'Dwyer we currently organize by team for the most part. There’s some cross-collection cards but we usually use the guru hyperlink so that the card can “live” in two places at once! 

Thank you, @Devon O'Dwyer, @kelly, @Kaitlin Warren, and @Michelle Williams for your responses! 

We have been pushing for people to utilize Guru Card to Card linking as a means of sharing across collections. At the same time, our employees want a one-stop shop so it’s a means of coordination with other teams to ensure that directories that utilize the linking feature will live in our Company Knowledge collection.

As for process-based information, we do have high-level collections that house that information, but there is just too many to keep track of and allow to live in their own collection meaningfully. In order to mitigate issues with accessibility, we try to keep our collections to a minimum (there are 30+ being said...), and @Gabriel Ginorio brought up a request feature for Guru to filter our collection views to further enhance end user experience - and capitalizing on knowledge architecture ideas.

Thanks for starting this conversation @Alyssa Huat, great topic! Building on what others have shared, here are a few screenshots of Guru’s Company Knowledge Collection, in case its helpful for anyone to see an example: 
