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We want to know: what Deep Dive topic would you like to dive into next? :water_polo_tone1::dolphin:

We’re scheduling our Deep Dive topics through the end of the year, and the more relevant we can make them to current challenges/questions you have around maximizing your use of Guru, the better!

Weigh into this poll and share the topic most relevant to you, or drop a comment with another suggestion below. 

After folks weigh in, we’ll announce September’s Deep Dive in a follow-up post :)

P.S. If you love Deep Dives and have an extra 5 minutes to share more detailed feedback around event format and follow-up resources, head on over to our survey

Since you can only vote for 1 topic from this awesome list, comment below with any close “runner-ups” or topics you’d also be very interested in covering!
