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Hi all - I think I’m late to the game on this from the recent changes. On the old publish experience, authors could see the difference in the verification date based on the action if they clicked the ⓘ icon near the Publish vs. Publish and Verify options. Is there anywhere else they can see that distinction in dates? I just want to make sure I’m not overlooking it. If not, I’ll update my users.

Giving this another try 😬

Hi @Lynn Miller! A question for you - at the end of the Card editing process, how do the authors use the information about the last verification date at the point of publishing? This is related to whether they choose Publish vs. Publish and Verify?

I’m not sure I’m understanding where we’re looking, I’m sorry! But what comes to mind is the “More Options” (⋯) button on each Card, then selecting the “Card details and updates” (or “Card history”) view.

Here everyone will be able to see the “Last Verified” date and person who verified. Under “Revision History” everyone can view all the times Publish and Publish and Verify were clicked. The “Last Verified” field will only update if the author opts to Publish and Verify.

I hope I’m on the right track, and if not, please let me know. 😊

They don’t necessarily look at the last verification date as they are editing (in fact, once you are in edit mode you can’t see that right?) 


But we definitely had some of our verifiers who said if they made a change on a card, but didn’t review the card in it’s entirety, they would just choose to publish the card vs. publish and verify. I don’t think it is a big deal, but I had pointed it out in earlier training so just wanted to make sure I wasn’t missing it somewhere else. Below is a pic of of where that date distinction used to be.



