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Hi Guru Support,

I’m looking for more insight into how Guru’s search algorithm works. Specifically, I’d like to understand:

  1. How does Guru rank search results?
  2. Are tags factored into the search algorithm, and if so, how much weight do they carry compared to other elements like titles, body content, or metadata?
  3. What elements of a Guru card (title, body text, collections, verification status, etc.) influence search ranking the most?

Any insights or documentation you can provide would be greatly appreciated!

Hi Michael! Great question-- 

Tags are just one of several factors our team uses to determine search rank when surfacing content searched in Guru. (The only limitation is that tags that include an underscore will not be considered for prioritizing search results, so we recommend avoiding adding tags that involve an underscore. Dashes, though, are fine.)

We have some documentation here in our Help Center that explains how our search works and how we index information. I believe all of your questions can be answered with that article, though if you do have any additional questions afterwards, feel free to shoot us an email using this form and we can continue to assist. Thanks! 
