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What are requirements for your team to build a culture of communication and transparency?

Zev Zoldan
👋 ADMINS! if you had to give advice to newbies building out content for their remote/hybrid team teams, what content requirements would you say are essential for building a culture of communication and transparency? Postscript is swimming in this area, so I can use the help! :slightlysmilingface:

5 replies

  • 90 replies
  • June 9, 2021
My company has always been remote but most of us have never worked fully remote before. We've gathered some resources and best practices over time. This is a link to our blog which also collates a list of other articles we've written over the years and some links to other companies with the same.

  • 90 replies
  • June 9, 2021

  • 90 replies
  • June 9, 2021
Not sure exactly if that's what you're looking for, but maybe it will spark some ideas 😃

John McKoll
I am still working my way up to doing this as a solo admin, but I plan on leaning heavily on the knowledge alerts. When users are remote, they might not think to reach out or might feel they need to just solve things on their own. Using KAs can make sure you are surfacing content for them whether they asked for it or not, and that way you catch them before they start to fall.

Deborah Sanderfur
We have some resources about remote work from Articulate that can be found here:
As far as content requirements in thinking about Guru and helping to build a culture of communication and transparency, we haven't been as structured in coming up with specific team templates or content creation design frameworks. We let each team specify their own content requirements even though we communicate with each department representative about Guru utilization on a regular basis.

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