Hi fellow GURU-Champs,
As we are expanding our company overseas, we are setting up all our systems for the multi-national setup.
Following context / situation I am trying to sort out:
We are setting up our US Business Unit at the moment, global hub sits within the EU
We will be able to have a data exchange between Germany and the US BU
And we’d like to use one central GURU platform
We’ve set up the GURU collections based on functional teams (which will collaborate within the matrix)
Questions I’d like to find an answer for:
Do you have best practices for the collection setup for different Business Units? Our current structure mirrors the functional team setups. However, the team setup itself in the US will be different to the EU team, and therefore, a 1:1 integration seems not to be the perfect go-to-solution.
What are your recommendations in regard of access level settings?
What are your recommendations in regard of tag conventions? Or naming conventions?
I really appreciate your input and insights on how you tackled this question.
Best, Stefan