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Hi! Wish you all a great day!

My team and I were discussing the best way to manage comments in the cards. Today we have near 12.000 people with access to the content, and you can imagine the amount of comments it's not low 😅

We have very few people to attend all of them, and sometimes the management turns difficult.

I thought on asking you:

• How do you manage the comments?

• Ever created a solution from information via API?

• Ever had to deal with something like this and applied certain methodology to resolve it?

There are 3 questions but a single answer resuming the idea is more than enough.

Tapping in @cderupe @aberman @coachtaylor.paschal - has this been something you've worked through by chance? Any suggestions for Marcos?
@marcos.perez Can you give more info around what type of questions/comments folks post? Do they seem fully relevant to the cards?
Thanks, Chris!

Charles, thank you too! Its relevant because we have all the information and decision maps they need to do their job (customer service). They report errors, ask about non-clear information, ask for changes, and ask for non-mapped situations. That's why we want to answer all, and be able to prioritize the critical ones.
Unfortunately we haven't had to deal with this many comments to the scale you have. Apologies that I don't have more to offer.
Thanks anyway!
so, I have not done anything for this in Guru but I ran a group of "scrubber" (SME's) for a large company's Confluence instance, and we would have the scrubbers review the comments and roll any pertinent information into the page and delete the comment or reach out to the commenter and discuss before deleting. Maybe this could be done as your cards need to be verified as part of the process?
It could be an option! Will add it to the discussion! Thanks Ian!
We don't have nearly that volume of people or comments, but we do have a knowledge request process that's separate from the comments. Do you all use that feature, and is it clear when something should be a comment versus ask a question?
Great convo to tap into. We've asked our team to only use the comments to capture feedback on the card content itself and can @mention teammates. We have a full-time guru maintainer that keeps an eye on comments but we don't have anything automatic in place. We have a collection dedicated to feedback, ideas and pain points that seems to align with your use case of comments. Would be happy to chat or show you around or space if you're interested!
For the Customer Experience Collection at Slack, we restrict (just by best practice/socialization) the use of comments to *only* be used for telling a card verifier why a card was edited. For example: If someone updates a card I am the verifier of, they leave a note in the comments and tag me to let me know what was updated and why so I have context for the change. Any other conversations about card content/feedback have to be done in Slack, and if someone outside of CE leaves a comment we redirect them to continue the convo in channel.

We'd probably use comments more if we set something up in the API that sent card comments to a channel and @-mentioned the card verifier, which I bet is probably do-able, I just haven't had the bandwidth to look into it!
Great input everyone! Also just calling out that we recently released the ability to Resolve comments that are addressed, to move them out of the Open comments and over to Resolved, as it may be helpful for anyone not yet familiar.

Also, FYI on this thread @mhouston in case you have any thoughts re: how the API and/or Zapier or Workato could be leveraged.

Ooh, such a good question! In my case, we have folks using comments to flag any content that needs to be updated, clarified or fill in missing gaps on any cards. We average around ~20-30 comments a month, and unfortunately this part is very manual for me (the lone Guru author/editor).

  1. *Guru slack integration pings me* that I have a comment on a Guru card I'm a verifier for
  2. *I copy comment into a spreadsheet* so I can track comments and whether they've been actioned on or not (our leadership also has access to this spreadsheet so they can see who has been leaving comments and reward them during performance reviews). Also is a valuable source of data I use to measure Guru engagement with my users
  3. *I'll action on the comment* and then resolve it in Guru (and dismiss the mention in Guru's My Tasks)
  4. Because we also have content synced from an external source (Zendesk Guide), I have a *custom filter I made in Card Manager* where I periodically run it to see if anyone's commented on an external source Guru card. This is because we don't verification set up for external syncs, hence why I don't get pinged if someone comments on any synced card.

This is a lot of work, but at the end of the day, I get to control the priority of the comments by looking at it in the spreadsheet (which content is easy to update vs. which takes more time), and the spreadsheet allows me to track from a data perspective who's contributing the most via comments on Guru cards (engagement). More robust comment management would definitely be a huge gamechanger, and analytics around comments especially

Awesome tips, thanks for sharing your workflow @bwayne! Do you use Zapier or Workato by chance? We're still in beta with both so this isn't yet publicly accessible (let us know if you'd like to join beta group!), but we have Guru Comment set as a trigger, which could hypothetically kick off adding that comment automatically to a spreadsheet or task management system if support by Zapier/Workato. Seems like there should be some helpful workflow automation or efficiency gains soon for some these use cases :slightlysmilingface:
We have a zapier account, would definitely be interested in the beta! Do you know if the Guru comment trigger works with synced cards from Knowledge Sync even if they don't have verification set on them?
Hi @marcos.perez - we do have the `card_commented` event in our API Analytics that you can leverage to build reporting on or notifications.

We built something internally for our Support team via our Beta Zapier app. Our Support team is responsible for the Help Center collection in Guru. If anyone leaves a comment on one of the cards, the Zap creates a task in our project management tool called Asana where the head of our Support team round robin's who needs to address the comment. Video of how we built it here. We are working towards a public Zapier connector this year.
