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Hey all,

I’m implementing Guru for the very first time and it’s so cool but also so  🧠🔨!

I’ve set up collections for every department, with an access “group” for department leads, and another group for team members with read only access. For the rest of the org, I’ve not allowed all members read only access in any collections. Therefore, every department will only have access to their team’s collection.

I do this so that team leads can pick and choose which boards/sections/cards will be visible out to the org.

Is this a good empty state, do you think? Why or why not?

Hi Zach!

That setup is similar to how we have it for our Company as well. I think it works well! It can be helpful to have a board at the top of each collection with a few cards about “How to use this collection” that goes over a summary of what this collection contains and who manages it for visibility and clarity.

There are some Collections are are read-only to all, like for HR, but most collection are department based. Within those collections, they can setup boards to be shared with other departments via board permissions, otherwise, their content is specifically for that department. 

In addition, we also have 2 general groups for each team: Expert (for the authors/verifiers) and Team (for everyone on that team).


Good luck and welcome to Guru!

@Michelle Williams Thank you for the thoughtful reply! So, when you’re permissioning these department boards, do you just set the experts as the collection owners? Or Authors? Because I’m envisioning that the actual dept manager would want collection owner permission but might want to limit their team experts to just Author.

@Zach Dimond It depends how large your collections get as if each department expert group was a collection owner and there are 5 departments within that collection, that can be a lot of “hands in the pot”. So you could have an overall collection expert group to help be the collection owner, then the remaining department expert groups would just be authors, like you mentioned.
Communication between the owners is key and which is why I think having a board at the top to explain how the collection work can be powerful to help share the information to those viewing/authoring the collection. 

Often times, once you set a board and share it out via board permissions (which requires collection owner setting), you’re set and it doesn’t have to be edited again - unless you want to share to other groups or create a new board. 
