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Hi all! Product Manager from Guru here.

I’ve started a research project looking into how our customers manage users and groups at a large scale, especially if they do so without SSO and SCIM, or if there are gaps in SSO and SCIM that need to be filled manually.

Are you a knowledge manager, CX leader, or sales enablement person who finds yourself spending too much time adding and removing users from different groups in Guru?

Or maybe an IT admin who has to do manual things in Guru that you think should be automated?

I want to talk to you!

Please feel free to share your experiences in this discussion, and let me know if you’d be open to a 30 minute Zoom conversation with me.

I appreciate you! 

Hi @Yael McCue ! Really glad you’re looking into this space. Looking forward to chatting with you soon. Sharing some ideas here for vis!

When editing a user’s groups, I like that you can:

  • add multiple groups at once (almost like tags)

It would be super helpful to be able to:

  • add both users and groups to groups
    • (similar to knowledge alerts - you can send them to groups but you can also send them to individuals. I want to be able to add both to a group)
  • build “group tracks” - e.g. I build a track for a type of user that automatically applies the 10 different groups needed
    • this would be clutch to use for multiple users at once (e.g. I add the track to 15 different users at the same time, who are then all added to the corresponding 10 groups)
    • I could also see this work with recommended groups, where you’re able to check boxes to add or remove and mass apply accordingly

Group Management & Collections:

We need a lot of groups for specialized knowledge alerts and team content needs, but when you have a lot of groups, it all becomes really difficult to manage. Things that could help:

  1. An ability to organized group tiers or tracks as stated above → e.g. master group for a set of users, subgroups under.
    1. right now, all results under groups are “weighted” the same, and the only way to organize them is by using a naming convention
  2. Add the ability to see group access as it relates to collections - either on the groups tab or as a function within the collections tab. Right now, if I want to see all the collections a group has access to, I have to control F the group name on the collections tab
  3. Similarly, I wish there was more ability to filter and sort in the Collections tab:
    1. e.g. filter/sort under a collection by group level of access (e.g. collection owner, author, read only)
      1. it is rough looking through group permissions applied to a collection and not having it in order of access, or not being able to filter out the level of access you don’t want to see or modify at the time (e.g. hide read only groups)
    2. Search collections by a group (so only collections display that a particular group has access to)


I think these things would have a big impact:

  • They’d save a ton of time, making user and group/collection management faster
  • They’d make it way more intuitive to manage
  • Help new users understand the function of groups and collections - the structure is a tough thing to explain to new content managers and team leads, and it makes it easy to miss users and groups when they making new additions


I typed a LOT so let me know if you have questions or want me to help visualize anything!

To clarify, my post is referring to the Groups and Collections tabs under Team Setting → Users and Collections

Hi! We onboard a bunch of new users seasonally (500+) and all have to be added to multiple groups. Since we can only assign users to one group while inviting them, it can be super time-consuming to go back through to add them to their 2nd+ group! Would love the ability to invite users and add them to multiple groups from the invite page. Thanks in advance and feel free to reach out if you have questions! 
