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Hey there!

I am trying to combine information from knowledge alerts and the events (a.k.a analytics) endpoint, however, I am unsure how to do this. So far, my best attempt has been joining both information using the field card_id (both knowledge_alerts and events provide it) and filtering the events with type = ‘alert-read’. However, this is not ideal since a given card_id could be related to > 1 knowledge alert, so my question is… Is there any way to know which event is related to which knowledge_alert? It would be nice to have an `alert_id` field under the events endpoint.

Thank you in advance!


Hi @idevi97!

We currently do not expose an alertId in our analytics endpoint - this is something I can take back to our Product team to see if we can include when the type=’alert-read’.

We do, however, provide the ability to export user details for a knowledge alert given an alertId. If you make a POST call to{alertId}/export you will receive an email with a list of users, and whether or not they have read the knowledge alert. Of course, to make that call you’ll need the alertId, which you can get by making a GET call to this endpoint:

I hope this is able to get you closer to what you’re looking for!



Hey Joe!

Thanks for the quick reply! :grinning:

It does get me closer to what I need I think. However, I was wondering if there is some way to export this information for ALL knowledge alerts, instead of specifying one by one. Something similar to including view=ALL_SENT under the endpoint.

Thanks for your help!


Also, this would be great!! 👇🤩

this is something I can take back to our Product team to see if we can include when the type=’alert-read’


If you find time to do so, can you inform me with their answer? And if possible, an approximate time to be available? It would be sooo helpful for us (and probably for other guru API users) if it gets implemented 🙌

Hi @Iñigo De Vicente 

Thanks so much for the feedback!

However, I was wondering if there is some way to export this information for ALL knowledge alerts, instead of specifying one by one. Something similar to including view=ALL_SENT under the endpoint.

Unfortunately at this time, the /v1/alerts/{alertId}/export endpoint doesn’t have the ability to export data for more than one alertId.

Our product team is aware of the enhancement request to the analytics endpoint to include alertId where type = ‘alert-read’ - however, we don’t have a timeline for the enhancement at this time. The Product team may be reaching out to you directly over the next month or so for more information and to further understand your specific use case.

Sorry we don’t have an immediate solution for this one!

Let me know if you have any other questions in the meantime.




Thanks @Joe Duffy for your help! :grinning:

When the time comes, please reach out to me under to discuss the implementation.

Thanks again for all your effort and help

Will do @Iñigo De Vicente! Thanks again for your feedback!

Hello @Joe Duffy, I saw Guru included a bunch of new features and endpoints to the API… Is there any news about the issue discussed in this topic? I had a look and it doesn’t seem like we can yet understand who read which alert through the alerts or analytics (i.e. events) endpoints…

Thanks in advance for the help!

Hi @Akane Sudre!

Thanks for following up here. At this time, we still recommend using the endpoint below to receive an export containing data around who has read a specific Knowledge Alert:


I’ll be sure to reply here if we create an endpoint that allows you to see this data directly in the response from the API call.


Thanks for the fast response @Joe Duffy !

Unfortunately, an export does not really work for us because we would like to automate this process. This endpoint entails getting a report for every knowledge alert is sent, which we would need of a second automation to download/extract the report from the email (not really best-practice)

I would appreciate it if you replied in here once it gets implemented directly from the API!

Thanks again :))
