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As an Admin, I would love to be able to create/invite (and remove) users through the API. Is there a way to do this? Imagine being able to set up Users directly from a list of emails in an Excel spreadsheet using Power Query. So easy and quick!

Thanks so much for sharing these requests @geoff.richardson! I've passed them to our product team, and am copying @mhouston here as well for visibility.
Hey @geoff.richardson! You can create/invite users via our API. Here is a card with more documentation. We are going through an audit exercise of our developer documentation and will be exposing these use cases on our developer site - so keep the use case ideas coming!
Thanks @mhouston, that's great news! Is there a similar API call to remove users too?

Missed that part! There is no way to Bulk remove users via the API, but we offer two different endpoints to remove a single user via the API. Please use these endpoints with caution since removing a user from a team could cause unintended consequences for verification of content:
• `DELETE api/v1/members/{email}` This call requires no request body and will delete the user without replacing a verifier to any cards this deleted user is responsible for. A successful call will return a 200 status.
• `DELETE api/v1/members/{email}/replaceverifier` This call will delete the user and replace the verifier. If they have verified content in numerous collections, the "collectionVerifiers" key will take a list of collection objects, examples below.

Replace with an individual verifier:

"collectionVerifiers": {
"xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx": {
"type": "member",
"id": ""

Replace with a user-group:

"collectionVerifiers": {
"xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx": {
"type": "user-group",
"id": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"


Thank you again Mary. You keep knocking them outta the park!
Would ya believe me when I say we use Guru to store/surface this knowledge 😂 Let us know if you have any other questions around API capabilities
