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Hi team, I think that I have found a bug in the API. I am using the search/query with success in our code. I have noticed that it *doesn't* return any archived card details when we use the simple `q` query parameter. I know that there is another query parameter called `showArchived` which takes true or false. When I set this extra parameter to true, then it *only* returns archived cards: that's correct behavior. When I set it to false, it *only* returns non-archived cards: that correct behavior. However, when I *omit* the `showArchived` parameter, I believe that it should return BOTH archived and non-archived cards. Unfortunately, this is not the case. It does not return any archived cards. Please can you investigate?

If this behavior is intentional, how am I supposed to return both archived and non-archived cards without making two separate API calls…? Thank you :slightlysmilingface:
Man, tough questions for a Friday morning!

The short answer is that you have to make two API calls. I'm also seeing that when you include `showArchived=true` then it's not really searching — it doesn't use search terms, it just returns the list of archived cards.

Are you looking to effectively search against archived cards too? Like, you want to find cards with a certain term and you don't care if it is archived or not? Or, are you just looking to get all cards and it'd be easier to do that with one API call?
So the `showArchived=true` option ignores other search terms… Hmmm. That's seems so wrong. IMHO, if it doesn't work with the other criteria, then it should perhaps be on a separate API endpoint…?

So, I'm just after all cards that math a set of search criteria - irrespective of whether they're archived or not…
