Friday Feel Goods: What's a win to celebrate from this week?

  • 11 June 2021
  • 7 replies

Userlevel 6
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It is NOT sunny in Philadelphia today, so I'm calling for a round of *Friday Feel Goods.* What made your week this week? Was it a Guru win? Homemade baked goods? Someone breaking out into a heavy Mare-of-Easttown accent? Drop it on the thread below 👇

7 replies

Userlevel 6
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This week I ordered from Shutterfly for the first time and got printed pictures in! I don't think I've had my pictures printed for years. It's nice to see my usual phone backgrounds on my fridge hahaimagefromios_869.jpg
Userlevel 1
I made these healthy banana oatmeal cookies last night, super easy and super delicious! Healthy enough that I've had (more than) a few for breakfast! 😈Healthy Banana Oatmeal Cookies | Nellie
Userlevel 3
sorry for the lateness! but i'm starting to grow herbs!image_867.png
Userlevel 6
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@charlsie thank you for sharing that recipe, i might test those out this week!
Userlevel 6
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@michelle.williams thanks for sharing your herb garden! Looks like it's off to a great start, do you keep that right in your kitchen?
Userlevel 3
@crojewski on our roof! it's a covered shelf we leave outsside but will need to bring it in as it's getting too hot
Userlevel 6
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Oh that's perfect! Yes I learned that lesson the hard way - I accidentally sunburnt my plants the beginning of this season
