Hey everyone! This thread is for all the knewbies who recently joined our Guru Community. WELCOME. We’re thrilled that you’re here with us!
Help others get to know you - in a comment below, introduce yourself with your name, role, company, what brings you to the community, and what you're looking to learn about from others. We can’t wait to meet you and see you in the discussions!
P.S. As you start weighing in on threads and sharing product feedback, don’t forget to check out our monthly Guru Deep Dives, a live experience where you can hear from other Guru customers and learn tips and tricks to maximize your use of Guru. Learn the highlights of August’s recap on automating Guru workflows, and RSVP for September’s event on about Making the Case for Full-Time Knowledge Hires.
Reach out to me anytime if I can be helpful or if you have feedback about the Guru Community. Enjoy :)