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I have recently had a full-time person added to my team to manager Guru (YAY) and in this process we realized that I have a bunch of cards that I’m the sole verifier (988 to be exact).  I am having to manually go switch each one to our group verifier for them to see comments...doing this action in bulk would be amazing!  Is there a reason that is disabled currently for bulk action?

Update - we did realize we can filter by collection then bulk that way...helped quite a bit and assuming that is the reason for disabling the bulk overall. 

Hey @Kendall Sipp-Paris 👋 Congrats on the new hire! 🎉 You’re spot on - filter by Collection first in Card Manager because it will narrow the focus to only the Groups, users, and folders affiliated with the Collection, which will enable changing verifier and folders in bulk.

Would you like me to convert this post to product feedback? I also see how supporting displaying the Groups and individuals shared in common between the two (or more) Collections when bulk editing Cards could come in handy. 

@Marie Frei thank you, very excited to get some full-time help!  And yes if you would convert this to Product Feedback that would be handy at times!  Thank you!