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hi all 👋 is there a way to have a card "appear" in multiple Collections or Boards?

not exactly duplicate it as we don't want to duplicate maintenance efforts too, but maybe have one card physically existing in 1 board, but then have a mirror image or shortcut show in another board?
Morning! I would like this even for across Collections if it was possible :crossed_fingers:
Hover over the board name in the card and click on the pencilimage_5905.png
doesn't look like it lets you cross collections though
For "mirroring" across collections, we embed the original card in the new card. Here are the steps I wrote up for my team a long time ago—hopefully they still work!

1. Create the original card in the "broadest appeal" collection. .This is to make it more likely that everyone looking at the new card has the permissions needed to see the embedded information, as well.]

2. When looking at the created card, click the ... icon on the left and select Embed Code.

3. Click the Copy code link.

4. Navigate to the other collection where the information should be and create a card with the same title.

5. For the body of the card, click the Markdown icon (square with a pencil in the corner) in the editing bar.

6. In the Markdown box that appears, paste the embed code from the original card.

7. Click Preview in the top right of the Markdown box to see how it'll look.

- You may need to click Edit and adjust the height (and maybe the width, if you're feeling really fancy) in the embed code to show the full embedded card. It's not tragic if you don't do this (or if you do, but later more information is added that makes the embedded card longer than what's specified here)—people will still be able to scroll up and down in the embedded card. It's just a little thing that will make it a little easier for readers to see all the information!

8. Save your new card / edits.
Great solutions here @jandrewartha @bethanne!

Another tactic is using Board Permissions to grant users access to content across GroupsSetting up Board Permissions
thank you all for the tips! if my understanding is correct:

@James Andrewartha @June Zhang - your tips are valuable for multiple Boards WITHIN the same Collection

@BethAnne Freund - your tip is for multiple Collections, which is what I was after 🎉 and the content is "mirrored" too, ie. if the original card was updated, the "duplicate" cards are auto-updated as well. the only flaw is I can't seem to stretch the embedded card to maximise the width so looks like below...image_5958.png
@ereyes In the code block for the embedded card, you should be able to edit the number in `width="x"` (where `x` is whatever number) to make it wider. Or have you already tried that and it's not working?
@ereyes Board Permissions works for Boards across Groups, so if a Board lives in a Collection and you want to share it with a Group that does not have access to that Collection, you can use Board Permissions do that.

Our Team identified this as a feature we would love to see. We have several instances where the same card would need to live in different collections and we are now starting to create duplicate cards because this functionality doesn’t exist. I’m afraid that things will start to get messy and hard to maintain with this approach. Thanks!

Yes please - we would also love this feature. For some use cases, the embed workaround isn’t feasible given the extent of board permissions requiring modification. For the cards we do embed to share, it would help reduce redundant cards, verification, etc.

Our collections are Team based.  There are some users that have access to many teams posts.  However for those whose access to entire collections isn’t warranted, cherry picking cards to duplicate or share to other collections would be great.

Currently, I have to simply Copy the contents of one card and paste into another and add the same tags in that collection (if those tags didn’t already exist)

Any updates on this? Would like to have across mutiple collections for the example if i have broad category i.e. Human Resources and then have a specific job role category for an employee such as Retail Manager and i can assign relevant HR card into there that relate specifically to their role.
