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I’m having a little trouble understanding how I should structure my content so that it makes sense to the end users.

I need to create help docs for applications usage like email, leave management, database tools, etc. The problem is some of these applications are used company-wide while others are specific to an individual department.

If I structure my collections by department, where do the common applications belong? It seems it might be confusing for users to have their application docs spread across multiple collections.

How are others handling this? Do you just put all your app usage docs in a single collection, spread them across multiple collections or do you create duplicate boards/cards for each department?

Hi Tyson! I’m so glad you shared this question. Structuring content in Guru is a big topic that we’ll actually be tackling at this month’s Deep Dive on April 21st, 1pm EST / 10 am PST. I recommend RSVPing if you’re available. We’ll also be sharing the recording afterwards.


Our guest speaker @Lindsey Hart will be speaking to content design and the end user testing process she went through at Noom. 


To shed some light on the subject, I recommend checking out the following resources: 

  • Guru Academy Course: Structuring Content
  • Guru Deep Dive Recap: Centralizing Knowledge in Guru - our guest speaker @Martin Theobald  from Crisp walked us through how he coaches his team to organize their content. He walked stakeholders through a knowledge mapping exercise.

    “We started to create knowledge maps. Even before people started writing any content, we've already done the work of creating a content hierarchy of a collection, group of boards, and the sort of content that you’d want to include. We started thinking about the way that we collect content and mapped it in a simple spreadsheet or file just to show the sort of things we collect. Then it became an objective to go find and create Guru Cards.”


Doing a mapping exercise like Martin to figure out hierarchy and permissions would be a great next step. This guide might help. 


Keep us updated on how it goes. @Lindsey Hart  @Martin Theobald  @Lexi A. , curious to hear your recommendations as we’ve talked about this in the past! We’ve got your back Tyson :)




hello Tyson,

To effectively write about Proper Content Structuring, here’s how I approach content creation, particularly on topics like Database Management Systems. I follow these simple steps:

  1. Clear Title: I begin with an engaging title that clearly indicates the topic, such as "Understanding Database Management Systems."

  2. Headings and Subheadings: I break the content into well-defined sections using headings to enhance readability.

  3. Engaging Introduction: I start with a brief overview to capture the reader's interest and provide context.

  4. Key Points: I highlight essential information and benefits using bullet points for clarity.

  5. Real-World Examples: I include practical examples, sharing experiences, such as how I’ve helped businesses implement Database Management Systems for better data management.

  6. Summary: I conclude with a concise summary of key takeaways, reinforcing the main points.

By following this structure, I ensure that my content is clear, engaging, and easy to understand. And yours too.
