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Is there an API endpoint to get the time a user spends on a Card or in Guru overall?

Marcos Perez
Hi community! Hope you are well.

December 7, 2020

Hey Marcos! Great question, we do not track "time spent" spent on a card. Since Guru is bringing you knowledge "where you work" we know users can be doing a million things at once and may open a card, read it, and keep it open while going to the next thing (which won't truly show time spent on the content).
In the Analytics endpoint, there are timestamps for each card event. You could perhaps track the time of the `card-viewed`event and see the time difference from the time stamp of the sequential event for that specific users. In the screenshot below, it was 00:00:02 between me viewing the card and clicking the card link (clearly didn't read it 😂)
The only downside of this way to tracking is that you can't track what else someone is doing. Maybe the user clicks on the card which triggers the `card-viewed` event, but then the user goes into their email to look at something else without triggering the next Guru event. So it could look like they are viewing a card for hours, but in reality, the moved into a different application.
Not the best workaround, but like I said before, we don't have a direct endpoint to track time spent.image_5219.png

Marcos Perez
I wanted to ask if anyone knows an API endpoint to get the time a user spends on a card, or in Guru. Thanks!

  • December 7, 2020
FYI I shared in Developer Category as well and pinged Mary, Guru's resident API pro.

Marcos Perez
Thanks! Did not know about the channel

Mary Houston
Hey Marcos! Great question, we do not track "time spent" spent on a card. Since Guru is bringing you knowledge "where you work" we know users can be doing a million things at once and may open a card, read it, and keep it open while going to the next thing (which won't truly show time spent on the content).
In the Analytics endpoint, there are timestamps for each card event. You could perhaps track the time of the `card-viewed`event and see the time difference from the time stamp of the sequential event for that specific users. In the screenshot below, it was 00:00:02 between me viewing the card and clicking the card link (clearly didn't read it 😂)
The only downside of this way to tracking is that you can't track what else someone is doing. Maybe the user clicks on the card which triggers the `card-viewed` event, but then the user goes into their email to look at something else without triggering the next Guru event. So it could look like they are viewing a card for hours, but in reality, the moved into a different application.
Not the best workaround, but like I said before, we don't have a direct endpoint to track time spent.image_5219.png

Marcos Perez
Mary, Thank you very much! All clear, I think it's not the best move to track time like that

Marcos Perez
It would be difficult to track all the actions of the user, and eventually, as you say, the information will be possibly wrong as they use other app.

Chrissy Sebald
@marcos.perez Was there something specifically you were hoping to achieve by tracking that?

Marcos Perez
Chrissy! Our Customer Service team wanted to have this information for tracking the usage of Guru by representatives, also to see if the cards are being read or just viewed. Initially I discarded the idea for complexity and because I doubt it is the best way to track usage or read cards rate, but needed to confirm the possibility :slightlysmilingface:

Chrissy Sebald
@marcos.perez Got it! We track how frequently people ask and answer knowledge requests through commenting and asking an expert. That at least gives us an idea of how often team members are interacting with Guru and not finding what they need.

Marcos Perez
Exactly! I think it's possible to have a reliable custom metric for usage working with "card-viewed", "card-comment-created" and "search" event types! Thanks for sharing your method!

Chrissy Sebald
Awesome! I like to think if people are taking the time to search and view a card, they are likely taking the time to read it (or at least skim it to find the piece of knowledge they need). But if they aren't ever commenting or asking questions, they likely aren't using Guru much at all because our knowledge is good, but it's not that good.

Marcos Perez
I think the same way! As per your last point, it would be nice to have the possibility to rate the satisfaction with a card: 👍 / 👎 (I'm sure I'm not the first saying this)

Chrissy Sebald
I agree! Definitely feel free to mention that in the Ideas channel!

  • December 7, 2020
Just forwarded this request to our product team @marcos.perez, thanks for sharing!


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