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What's your favorite tip you share with new Guru users during onboarding?

  • 18 February 2021
  • 3 replies

Happy Thursday everyone! I'd love to know: *What's your favorite tip or trick to share with new team members during onboarding to help take them from Guru novice to Guru pro?*

3 replies

Userlevel 4
Badge +2
I like to emphasize how to favorite cards & boards so my new Guru users feel like they can easily find it again in the future. I like that favorites help cards show up higher in search, so that helps users continue to think "Guru knows what I need" :slightlysmilingface:
Userlevel 3
1. Not another destination
2. Install extension
3. Search by '!' and/or '#'
Very timely as I have a new person joining my team next week! Here's my tip: as you're digesting lots of new information, many questions will come up. First check Guru, and if you can't find your answer quickly, write it down. In our next check-in we'll review your questions, check Guru together, and where it makes sense we'll document the answers in Guru together. Through this process, it's a natural opportunity to explore and experience a lot of Guru's capabilities and best practices while onboarding.
Tip #2, have them go through the Admin courses in Guru Academy 🤓Guru Academy
