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Ability to see when other authors are editing a card

Related products: Card Creation

Our team utilizes verifier groups for almost all of our content in Guru. We have run into situations recently where two authors will be editing a card at the same time and they won’t realize it until after they both publish their version of the card. It would be incredibly helpful to see in real-time when another author is currently working on/editing a Guru card. 

Hi @timsubealdea

I’m happy to share that work to address this is already in progress through our collaborative editing project. I’ll merge your post with the main idea for making it easier to tell when other people are working on cards so you can get updates as we make progress on that multi-part project - it’s going well!  

Updated idea statusOpenDuplicate
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All the votes from this idea have been transferred.

Completely missed that post, thank you for catching that Laura! My team will be excited to hear this 🙂