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hello another crazy idea! it would be kinda cool if there could be inline commenting like in Google Docs on cards. I think that NOT having that prevents us from developing stuff directly in Guru. even if it's something that could be turned off/on by the card owner so that maybe during a development of the card, it's enabled. but once published, it's off. or rather, might also be helpful if someone who is a Read Only user can highlight a particular line as the reason they're requesting verification. Lmk if that does not make sense!
Plus 1000 to this - it would also really help to prevent the "I created this in Gdocs so you could comment/suggest" issue too, where then people create a Gdoc for drafting/editing and then share it out before the Guru card is created - so then we have two docs floating around. No matter how many times I tell people to trust only Guru as a source of truth, if they find a Gdoc/sheet/presentation they will use it.
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Hi!  This would be an extremely valuable feature!  Do you have an update on when this will be rolled out? 

Oh please add this, this is the number one reason why I am NOT using Guru for a lot of things, even though we have it licensed.

Confluence had this, which is perfect. Do this please :)



Cross-posting my use case from this thread

If a subject-matter expert leaves the company or changes their name, they may be referenced a ton of places in Guru cards with varying formats/names/etc.

If the norm is to use an @ tag for all personal references in a card, it's much easier to search for and update going forward. Plus, that SME has an easy way of tracking where they're specifically referenced.

This would be hugely helpful in terms of employee recognition on cards within Guru! We’ve implemented a resource suggestion process on a card within Guru and we’d love to be able to tag the individual who suggested creating the resource in the card once the suggested resource is created. 

Upvoting this because my frontline agents would really appreciate being able to comment exactly where the update needs to be made, rather than copying + pasting the text into the comments box.

Upvoting and commenting as this is a big request from our Engineers (similar to @Mark Gancsos reply above, our Confluence users are requesting this feature from Guru).

Please make this happen 🙂 contextual comments make document review and feedback so much easier.

Any update on this? I like to tag my team members on the card, shout outs, etc. When this will be released? It will be 2023 and lacking this basic feature seeks us to other alternatives for specific documentation which requires tagging people. 

Hi @Bhaumik Shah, we agree inline comments would be a useful addition to Guru and that they are common in other tools. This request is definitely on our radar and as the editor rewrite that’s currently underway starts to wind down we will begin to look at requests like this one that have been blocked by that work. 

Much needed! This would be a huge win for collaboration! 

Hi everyone,

We’ve kicked off some research related to inline comments, please share your thoughts with us and let us know if you’d be up for an interview. You can learn more here: 


Oh this feature would be awesoooome for so many reasons! @Kate Staaf I just commented on that other post you mentioned 😉 I’d very much be up for an interview

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Hi everyone!

Thanks so much for all your feedback on this post. I’m happy to share that inline comments will be part of our next big push in the authoring space where we’re focusing on make it easier for team members to collaborate on new cards and updates to existing cards. As you can tell from Kate’s post we’ve started research into this area and are planning to start engineering work on it once the first version of collaborative editing and shared drafts are out. Given that I’ll move this to “Accepted.”


@Laura Desmond-Black any more information on this feature or estimated timelines? I also checked in on the seeking feedback thread, but haven’t seen any recent info there either. We’re really excited that this suggestion’s status has changed form open to accepted! 


Hi @Ilse Labuschagne

We’re actively working on this but I don’t have any further details on the timeline yet. We paused interviews for a bit to give ourselves a chance to catch up with some technical planning and research. We’ll post here when there are updates on timing!

I wanted to express my support for the idea of implementing an inline comments feature in Guru. Since my team started using Guru just this week, the absence of inline comments has already caused significant challenges and hindered our productivity. 😞

I cannot stress enough how essential inline comments are in improving our collaboration and ensuring efficient workflows.

Inline comments provide an invaluable tool for focusing our attention directly on the specific sections of a document that require immediate attention, regardless of its length. This feature would greatly enhance our ability to provide targeted feedback, share insights, and address issues in a more precise and timely manner.

Hello hello!

A quick update - now that shared drafts and collaborative editing are released we are full steam ahead on inline comments. I don’t have an exact timeline to share but we know this is important to you so we’ve decided to split this into two releases so we can get improvements out to you ASAP: 

  1. Inline comments for published Cards - we’re focusing on this piece first since it’s an “upgrade” to the existing comments experience. This will be the first release.
  2. Inline comment for drafts + interactions across the published and draft states of a Card - this part of inline comments is a bit more complex so it’s going to take a little longer. This will be a separate release after inline comments for published Cards.  

Once we have something working in a testing environment I’ll share a short video so you can get a sense of how it’ll feel. Spoiler, it’s a lot like Google Docs 😁


Hi everyone, 

It’s been nearly a month since my last update so I wanted to share how things are going with inline comments for published Cards! We hit a great milestone on Friday - we enabled this first set of functionality in our own instance of Guru 🎉 . We still have some work to go so it’ll be a bit longer before we consider releasing this to you but we’re very happy with the progress. You can check out this 2-minute video to see what it looks like!

A few functionality notes that aren’t in the video:

  • When we release this update all existing open comments will be attached to the title of the Card so they are easy to find
  • You’ll be able to use inline comments on any text elements, including code blocks
    • There won’t be support for commenting on images, videos, markdown, or embedded files


Happy Thursday!

As you may have seen, we began releasing inline comments for published cards this morning. We’re aiming to have that improvement released to everyone by the end of next week.

Work to bring inline comments to drafts is also humming along 😄

Hi everyone 👋  We’re excited to share the inline comment function for published Guru Cards has been released to all Guru workspaces! 🥳 The work to build inline comment support within draft Cards is underway. As such, we’ll keep this feedback as “Scheduled” until all workspaces have the ability to leave comments in draft and published Cards. Thanks!